psd.coffeelib/ | |
A general purpose parser for Photoshop files. PSDs are broken up in to 4 logical sections: the header, resources, the layer mask (including layers), and the preview image. We parse each of these sections in order. NodeJS ExamplesParsing asynchronously
Parsing synchronously
| RSVP = require 'rsvp'
{Module} = require 'coffeescript-module'
File = require './psd/'
LazyExecute = require './psd/'
Header = require './psd/'
Resources = require './psd/'
LayerMask = require './psd/'
Image = require './psd/'
module.exports = class PSD extends Module
Root: require('./psd/nodes/')
@extends require('./psd/') |
Creates a new PSD object. Typically you will use a helper method to instantiate the PSD object. However, if you already have the PSD data stored as a Uint8Array, you can instantiate the PSD object directly. | constructor: (data) ->
@file = new File(data)
@parsed = false
@header = null
Object.defineProperty @, 'layers',
get: -> @layerMask.layers
RSVP.on 'error', (reason) -> console.error(reason) |
Parses the PSD. You must call this method before attempting to access PSD data. It will not re-parse the PSD if it has already been parsed. | parse: ->
return if @parsed
@parsed = true |
The next 4 methods are responsible for parsing the 4 main sections of the PSD. These are private, and you should never call them from your own code. | parseHeader: ->
@header = new Header(@file)
parseResources: ->
resources = new Resources(@file)
@resources = new LazyExecute(resources, @file)
parseLayerMask: ->
layerMask = new LayerMask(@file, @header)
@layerMask = new LazyExecute(layerMask, @file)
parseImage: ->
image = new Image(@file, @header)
@image = new LazyExecute(image, @file)
.ignore('width', 'height')
.get() |
Returns a tree representation of the PSD document, which is the preferred way of accessing most of the PSD's data. | tree: -> new PSD.Node.Root(@)