blend_mode.coffeelib/psd/ | |
{Module} = require 'coffeescript-module' | |
The blend mode describes important data regarding a layer, such as the blending mode, the opacity, and whether it's a part of a clipping mask. | module.exports = class BlendMode extends Module
@aliasProperty 'blendingMode', 'mode' |
All of the blend modes are stored in the PSD file with a specific key. This is the mapping of that key to its readable name. | BLEND_MODES = {
norm: 'normal',
dark: 'darken',
lite: 'lighten',
hue: 'hue',
sat: 'saturation',
colr: 'color',
lum: 'luminosity',
mul: 'multiply',
scrn: 'screen',
diss: 'dissolve',
over: 'overlay',
hLit: 'hard_light',
sLit: 'soft_light',
diff: 'difference',
smud: 'exclusion',
div: 'color_dodge',
idiv: 'color_burn',
lbrn: 'linear_burn',
lddg: 'linear_dodge',
vLit: 'vivid_light',
lLit: 'linear_light',
pLit: 'pin_light',
hMix: 'hard_mix',
pass: 'passthru',
dkCl: 'darker_color',
lgCl: 'lighter_color',
fsub: 'subtract',
fdiv: 'divide'
constructor: (@file) -> |
The 4 character key for the blending mode. | @blendKey = null |
The opacity of the layer, from [0, 255]. | @opacity = null |
Raw value for the clipping state of this layer. | @clipping = null |
Is this layer a clipping mask? | @clipped = null
@flags = null |
The readable representation of the blend mode. | @mode = null |
Is this layer visible? | @visible = null |
Parses the blend mode data. | parse: -> 4, true
@blendKey = @file.readString(4).trim()
@opacity = @file.readByte()
@clipping = @file.readByte()
@flags = @file.readByte()
@mode = BLEND_MODES[@blendKey]
@clipped = @clipping is 1
@visible = !((@flags & (0x01 << 1)) > 0) 1, true |
Returns the layer opacity as a percentage. | opacityPercentage: -> @opacity * 100 / 255