header.coffeelib/psd/ | |
{Module} = require 'coffeescript-module' | |
Represents the header of the PSD, which is the first thing always parsed. The header stores important information about the PSD such as the dimensions and the color depth. | module.exports = class Header extends Module
@aliasProperty 'height', 'rows'
@aliasProperty 'width', 'cols' |
All of the color modes are stored internally as a short from 0-15. This is a mapping of that value to a human-readable name. | MODES = [
] |
The signature of the PSD. Should be 8BPS. | sig: null |
The version of the PSD. Should be 1. | version: null |
The number of color channels in the PSD. | channels: null |
The height of the PSD. Can also be accessed with | rows: null |
The width of the PSD. Can also be accessed with | cols: null |
The bit depth of the PSD. | depth: null |
The color mode of the PSD. | mode: null |
Creates a new Header. @param [File] file The PSD file. | constructor: (@file) -> |
Parses the header data. | parse: ->
@sig = @file.readString(4)
@version = @file.readUShort()
@file.seek 6, true
@channels = @file.readUShort()
@rows = @height = @file.readUInt()
@cols = @width = @file.readUInt()
@depth = @file.readUShort()
@mode = @file.readUShort()
colorDataLen = @file.readUInt()
@file.seek colorDataLen, true |
Converts the color mode key to a readable version. | modeName: -> MODES[@mode] |
Exports all of the header data in a basic object. | export: ->
data = {}
for key in ['sig', 'version', 'channels', 'rows', 'cols', 'depth', 'mode']
data[key] = @[key]