typetool.coffeelib/psd/layer_info/ | |
_ = require 'lodash'
parseEngineData = require 'parse-engine-data'
LayerInfo = require '../layer_info.coffee'
Descriptor = require '../descriptor.coffee'
module.exports = class TextElements extends LayerInfo
@shouldParse: (key) -> key is 'TySh'
TRANSFORM_VALUE = ['xx', 'xy', 'yx', 'yy', 'tx', 'ty']
COORDS_VALUE = ['left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom']
constructor: (layer, length) ->
super(layer, length)
@version = null
@transform = {}
@textVersion = null
@descriptorVersion = null
@textData = null
@engineData = null
@textValue = null
@warpVersion = null
@descriptorVersion = null
@warpData = null
@coords = {}
parse: ->
@version = @file.readShort()
@textVersion = @file.readShort()
@descriptorVersion = @file.readInt()
@textData = new Descriptor(@file).parse()
@textValue = @textData['Txt ']
@engineData = parseEngineData(@textData.EngineData)
@warpVersion = @file.readShort()
@descriptorVersion = @file.readInt()
@warpData = new Descriptor(@file).parse()
for name, index in COORDS_VALUE
@coords[name] = @file.readInt()
parseTransformInfo: ->
for name, index in TRANSFORM_VALUE
@transform[name] = @file.readDouble()
fonts: ->
return [] unless @engineData?
@engineData.ResourceDict.FontSet.map (f) -> f.Name
sizes: ->
return [] if not @engineData? and not @styles().FontSize?
alignment: ->
return [] unless @engineData?
alignments = ['left', 'right', 'center', 'justify']
@engineData.EngineDict.ParagraphRun.RunArray.map (s) ->
alignments[Math.min(parseInt(s.ParagraphSheet.Properties.Justification, 10), 3)] | |
Return all colors used for text in this layer. The colors are returned in RGBA format as an array of arrays. | colors: -> |
If the color is opaque black, this field is sometimes omitted. | return [[0, 0, 0, 255]] if not @engineData? or not @styles().FillColor?
@styles().FillColor.map (s) ->
values = s.Values.map (v) -> Math.round(v * 255)
values.push values.shift() # Change ARGB -> RGBA for consistency
styles: ->
return {} unless @engineData?
return @_styles if @_styles?
data = @engineData.EngineDict.StyleRun.RunArray.map (r) ->
@_styles = _.reduce(data, (m, o) ->
for own k, v of o
m[k] or= []
m[k].push v
, {}) |
Creates the CSS string and returns it. Each property is newline separated and not all properties may be present depending on the document. Colors are returned in rgba() format and fonts may include some internal Photoshop fonts. | toCSS: ->
definition =
'font-family': @fonts().join(', ')
'font-size': "#{@sizes()[0]}pt"
'color': "rgba(#{@colors()[0].join(', ')})"
'text-align': @alignment()[0]
css = []
for k, v of definition
continue unless v?
css.push "#{k}: #{v};"
export: ->
value: @textValue
name: @fonts()[0]
sizes: @sizes()
colors: @colors()
alignment: @alignment()
left: @coords.left
top: @coords.top
right: @coords.right
bottom: @coords.bottom
transform: @transform