descriptor.coffeelib/psd/ | |
A descriptor is a block of data that describes a complex data structure of some kind. It was added sometime around Photoshop 5.0 and it superceded a few legacy things such as layer names and type data. The benefit of the Descriptor is that it is self-contained, and allows us to dynamically define data of any size. It's always represented by an Object at the root. | module.exports = class Descriptor |
Creates a new Descriptor. | constructor: (@file) -> |
The object that will store the resulting data. | @data = {} |
Parses the Descriptor at the current location in the file. | parse: ->
@data.class = @parseClass() |
The descriptor defines the number of items it contains at the root. | numItems = @file.readInt() |
Each item consists of a key/value combination, which is why our descriptor is stored as an object instead of an array at the root. | for i in [0...numItems]
[id, value] = @parseKeyItem()
@data[id] = value
@data |
NoteThe rest of the methods in this class are considered private. You will never call any of them from outside this class. | |
Parses a class representation, which consists of a name and a unique ID. | parseClass: ->
name: @file.readUnicodeString()
id: @parseId() |
Parses an ID, which is a unique String. | parseId: ->
len = @file.readInt()
if len is 0 then @file.readString(4) else @file.readString(len) |
Parses a key/item value, which consists of an ID and an Item of any type. | parseKeyItem: ->
id = @parseId()
value = @parseItem()
return [id, value] |
Parses an Item, which can be one of many types of data, depending on the key. | parseItem: (type = null) ->
type = @file.readString(4) unless type?
switch type
when 'bool' then @parseBoolean()
when 'type', 'GlbC' then @parseClass()
when 'Objc', 'GlbO' then new Descriptor(@file).parse()
when 'doub' then @parseDouble()
when 'enum' then @parseEnum()
when 'alis' then @parseAlias()
when 'Pth' then @parseFilePath()
when 'long' then @parseInteger()
when 'comp' then @parseLargeInteger()
when 'VlLs' then @parseList()
when 'ObAr' then @parseObjectArray()
when 'tdta' then @parseRawData()
when 'obj ' then @parseReference()
when 'TEXT' then @file.readUnicodeString()
when 'UntF' then @parseUnitDouble()
when 'UnFl' then @parseUnitFloat()
parseBoolean: -> @file.readBoolean()
parseDouble: -> @file.readDouble()
parseInteger: -> @file.readInt()
parseLargeInteger: -> @file.readLongLong()
parseIdentifier: -> @file.readInt()
parseIndex: -> @file.readInt()
parseOffset: -> @file.readInt() |
Parses a Property, which consists of a class and a unique ID. | parseProperty: ->
class: @parseClass()
id: @parseId() |
Parses an enumerator, which consists of 2 IDs, one of which is the type, and the other is the value. | parseEnum: ->
type: @parseId()
value: @parseId() |
Parses an enumerator reference, which consists of a class and 2 IDs: a type and value. | parseEnumReference: ->
class: @parseClass()
type: @parseId()
value: @parseId() |
Parses an Alias, which is a string of arbitrary length. | parseAlias: ->
len = @file.readInt()
@file.readString(len) |
Parses a file path, which consists of a 4 character signature and a path. | parseFilePath: ->
len = @file.readInt()
sig = @file.readString(4) |
Little endian. Who knows. | pathSize ='<i')
numChars ='<i')
path = @file.readUnicodeString(numChars)
sig: sig
path: path |
Parses a list/array of Items. | parseList: ->
count = @file.readInt()
items = []
for i in [0...count]
items.push @parseItem()
items |
Not documented anywhere and unsure of the data format. Luckily, this type is extremely rare. In fact, it's so rare, that I've never run into it among any of my PSDs. | parseObjectArray: ->
throw "Descriptor object array not implemented yet @ #{@file.tell()}" |
Parses raw byte data of arbitrary length. | parseRawData: ->
len = @file.readInt() |
Parses a Reference, which is an array of items of multiple types. | parseReference: ->
numItems = @file.readInt()
items = []
for i in [0...numItems]
type = @file.readString(4)
value = switch type
when 'prop' then @parseProperty()
when 'Clss' then @parseClass()
when 'Enmr' then @parseEnumReference()
when 'Idnt' then @parseIdentifier()
when 'indx' then @parseIndex()
when 'name' then @file.readUnicodeString()
when 'rele' then @parseOffset()
items.push type: type, value: value
items |
Parses a double with a unit, such as angle, percent, pixels, etc. Returns an object with an ID, a unit, and a value. | parseUnitDouble: ->
unitId = @file.readString(4)
unit = switch unitId
when '#Ang' then 'Angle'
when '#Rsl' then 'Density'
when '#Rlt' then 'Distance'
when '#Nne' then 'None'
when '#Prc' then 'Percent'
when '#Pxl' then 'Pixels'
when '#Mlm' then 'Millimeters'
when '#Pnt' then 'Points'
value = @file.readDouble()
id: unitId, unit: unit, value: value |
Parses a float with a unit, such as angle, percent, pixels, etc. Returns an object with an ID, a unit, and a value. | parseUnitFloat: ->
unitId = @file.readString(4)
unit = switch unitId
when '#Ang' then 'Angle'
when '#Rsl' then 'Density'
when '#Rlt' then 'Distance'
when '#Nne' then 'None'
when '#Prc' then 'Percent'
when '#Pxl' then 'Pixels'
when '#Mlm' then 'Millimeters'
when '#Pnt' then 'Points'
value = @file.readFloat()
id: unitId, unit: unit, value: value