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READMElib / psd / blend_mode.coffeelib / psd / channel_image.coffeelib / psd / color.coffeelib / psd / descriptor.coffeelib / psd / file.coffeelib / psd / header.coffeelib / psd / image.coffeelib / psd / image_export.coffeelib / psd / image_exports / png.coffeelib / psd / image_format.coffeelib / psd / image_formats / layer_raw.coffeelib / psd / image_formats / layer_rle.coffeelib / psd / image_formats / raw.coffeelib / psd / image_formats / rle.coffeelib / psd / image_mode.coffeelib / psd / image_modes / cmyk.coffeelib / psd / image_modes / greyscale.coffeelib / psd / image_modes / rgb.coffeelib / psd / init.coffeelib / psd / layer / blend_modes.coffeelib / psd / layer / blending_ranges.coffeelib / psd / layer / channel_image.coffeelib / psd / layer / helpers.coffeelib / psd / layer / info.coffeelib / psd / layer / mask.coffeelib / psd / layer / name.coffeelib / psd / layer / position_channels.coffeelib / psd / layer.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / blend_clipping_elements.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / blend_interior_elements.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / fill_opacity.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / gradient_fill.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / layer_id.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / layer_name_source.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / legacy_typetool.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / locked.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / metadata.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / nested_section_divider.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / object_effects.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / section_divider.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / solid_color.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / typetool.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / unicode_name.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / vector_mask.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / vector_origination.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / vector_stroke.coffeelib / psd / layer_info / vector_stroke_content.coffeelib / psd / layer_info.coffeelib / psd / layer_mask.coffeelib / psd / lazy_execute.coffeelib / psd / mask.coffeelib / psd / node.coffeelib / psd / nodes / ancestry.coffeelib / psd / nodes / build_preview.coffeelib / psd / nodes / group.coffeelib / psd / nodes / layer.coffeelib / psd / nodes / root.coffeelib / psd / nodes / search.coffeelib / psd / path_record.coffeelib / psd / resource.coffeelib / psd / resource_section.coffeelib / psd / resources / layer_comps.coffeelib / psd / resources.coffeelib / psd / util.coffeelib / psd.coffeeshims / init.coffeeshims / png.coffee


module.exports =

Every layer starts with the basics. Here we have the layer dimensions, the number of color channels for the image data, and information about the color channels.

  parsePositionAndChannels: ->
    @top = @file.readInt()
    @left = @file.readInt()
    @bottom = @file.readInt()
    @right = @file.readInt()
    @channels = @file.readShort()

    @rows = @height = @bottom - @top
    @cols = @width = @right - @left

Every color channel has both an ID and a length. The ID correlates to the color channel, e.g. 0 = R, 1 = G, 2 = B, -1 = A, and the length is the size of the data.

    for i in [0...@channels]
      id = @file.readShort()
      length = @file.readInt()

      @channelsInfo.push id: id, length: length

generated Tue May 12 2015 11:08:12 GMT-0400 (EDT)